Apr 19. 99. Dominic Bnonn Tennant. About Covenant Life Right Order & Right Judgment. ] Legalism v. Where they lack skill or knowledge, they greatly overestimate their expertise and talent, thinking they are doing just fine when, in fact, they are doing quite poorly. 5 minutes to read Both Genesis 1:26–28 and 5:1–2 are plain in ascribing the image of God to mankind in the plural: male and female. 6 minutes to read Prayer and prophecy in scripture can be supernatural gifts. It rightly emphasizes kingdom as the backbone of the gospel narrative, but suffers from some typically Western blind spots that water down that narrative in unfortunate ways. A Facebook friend who has been following my posts on God and evil (#1 and #2) comments:By Bnonn Tennant on November 27, 2013. The Spine of Scripture: God's kingdom from Eden to eternity. The transition to “Lord” was post OT and pre NT. 7 minutes to read Years ago, I assessed what the Bible says about marital corporal punishment. By Bnonn Tennant on October 13, 2015. This post is a reply to Ken Perrott’s article ‘”Biblically correct” child abuse?’In other words, as an internal critique of Christian theology, the above sorts of arguments fail. By Bnonn Tennant on January 17, 2018. Re-enchanting Reformed Christianity, one controversial-hill-to-die-on at a time. Both therefore turn out to be ugly and divisive once you get past the inviting gateposts with the pretty informational plaques. By Bnonn Tennant on April 1, 2017. It’s Good To Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity by Michael Foster and Dominic Bnonn Tennant. John Reasnor of Lamb’s Reign thinks I’m a heretic, and explains why in this article: Bnonn Tennant, Justification by Works, and the Culture War ». 1. Being kind rather than being cruel. Bnonn Tennant responded, “It looks like you’re conflating “treating” and “ruling” by reading an entire theology of how to deal with various “subjects” into Genesis 3:16; 4:7. Prelapsarian predation, part 4: the curse. The theory is based on crocodiles being closely associated with the. 2K subscribers Michael Foster and Dominic "Bnonn" Tennant join me to discuss their web project and forthcoming book It's. I think the invisibility view is an understandable traditional interpretation which arose as the best explanation available in a Christian culture that was too far removed from the ANE to grok what was going on here. An elder’s role is typically described in terms of a shepherd/pastor. I just received a lengthy new update from Dominic “Bnonn” Tennant and Pastor Michael Foster AKA “It’s Good To Be A Man”, #8: Androgyny is literally paganism. By Bnonn Tennant on August 12, 2014. 6 minutes to read An argument undercutting non-theistic attempts to defend their value systems, by demonstrating that value itself is incoherent in a universe without God. See full list on bnonn. Contrary to a common objection bandied about today, there is nothing sectarian about head covering, and to disallow it on such grounds is grossly inconsistent with. Calvinism, masculinity and niceness. Bnonn Tennant. Dominic Bnonn Tennant. Christianity and LGBTQ* is a two-way street. ] This is the paradigm for love, and created love reflects this paradigm in the sense that onetogetherness is its goal. The head covering is to be worn by all women in the church service. This is an abridged version of a Facebook exchange with a village atheist named Chris Noldus. Continued from part 2, on the unfairness of election. A simple proof that Pope Benedict XVI is an illegitimate pope. About Salvation Mechanics. It’s about Christianity abandoning masculinity, and thus replacing love with niceness. ESV, LEB, NLT ). Gavin In the bible the book of Acts in chapter 2 verse 17, God is speaking about how people like this woman will have visions. ] That said, one’s experience of God’s favor is not irrelevant to one’s assurance either. Thus, middle knowledge is a just-so story; an assertion we are supposed to accept “because reasons. About Salvation Mechanics. Issue #135. Daniel 7 was fulfilled after Pentecost when Jesus went into heaven on a cloud and received kingship to place his enemies under his feet. Contrary to wise. 6 minutes to read TL;DR: no. Continued from part 3, on the monstrousness of double predestination. . By Bnonn Tennant on November 18, 2021. I am deeply troubled when people interpret the Bible by starting with technical analysis of specific words in the original languages. 10 minutes to read God’s end-game is a human kingdom that is not just restored, but glorified, with believers taking their place as new sons of God, ruling with Jesus forever. In pursuit of true wisdom. By Bnonn Tennant on February 10, 2014. . Dominic Bnonn Tennant. This isn’t just for non-Reformed people; a couple of the questions I’ll tackle were articulated to me by a Calvinist. Maybe toast a marshmallow and enjoy the irony of eating something soft and sweet instead of… whatever faux-masculinity tastes like. In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon is joined by Bnonn Tennant (It’s Good To Be A Man) to discuss women wearing head coverings at church,. By Bnonn Tennant on November 23, 2018. Aaron, thanks for your readership. Bnonn Tennant, Why a woman bearing the sword is an abomination to the Lord (May 2018). . Re-enchanting Reformed Christianity, one controversial-hill-to-die-on at a time. 5 reasons to seriously doubt the story the papacy likes to tell about its origins. This series has been significantly updated in July 2016. Dominic Bnonn Tennant is the author of Copywriting for Christians: How to sell without selling your soul, and the creator of “Learn Copywriting Backwards,” a training program for solopreneurs. By Bnonn Tennant on February 12, 2015. 4 minutes to read Maybe, but they shouldn’t rely on it, and there are more important things for them to learn to keep them safe. Verse 6 makes this reading incoherent, and verse 15 directly signals that it is wrong by using a different word for covering than the rest of the chapter. ” Bnonn Tennant. By Bnonn Tennant on February 11, 2008. com Are y'all familiar with Bnonn Tennant and Michael Foster? What do you think of them? My wife and I came across these two last year sometime. 14 minutes to read Glenn Stanton represents a broad stream of thought about gender relations and marriage within evangelicalism, where women are seen effectively as the cause of, and the solution to all of society’s problems. 17 minutes to read The kingdom of God and the kingdom of man started out as the same thing, and Adam’s representation of God is mimicked in the physical world’s representation of spiritual realities. 5 minutes to read The Gospel Coalition tries to teach complementarianism by rebranding feminism, and I demur. In pursuit of true wisdom. Bnonn Tennant, Gyneolatry (January 2018). I mean, of course it’s not—but try convincing a Catholic of that. Dominic Bnonn Tennant. In this installment, I illustrate their fundamental misunderstanding of the traditional doctrine of hell. I know this because discerning, biblically. 8 minutes to read Part 4 of 6, in which I interact with the objection that unlimited satisfaction requires that God be at cross-purposes with himself, entertaining frustrated desires which he cannot fulfill. By Bnonn Tennant on June 26, 2017. There are clear teleological, a fortiori, exegetical, inductive, and missional reasons for Christians to regard the rule of women, in the words of John Knox, as. This objection is puzzling, since it is easily repurposed to “prove” that there are also no earthly rulers either. Contrary to a common objection bandied about today, there is nothing sectarian about head covering, and to disallow it on such grounds is grossly inconsistent with how these very same people approach other important doctrinal disagreements. Predationism being the belief that, although the Earth is young (I agree with that) animal predation was an intended feature of the created order. The central claim of Glenn’s article, the title itself, is that manhood is unnatural while womanhood is not. Baptism as a pledge of allegiance. However, what troubles me more is that Bnonn Tennant, co-founder of IGTBAM alongside CREC pastor Michael Foster, has been excommunicated by a Reformed congregation for a heretical position on justification (as well as other charges related to both his character and his "gendered" views). It's Good To Be A Man: A handbook for godly masculinity. Dominic Bnonn Tennant is the author of It's Good to Be a Man (4. Her special place as homemaker (Proverbs 31; 1 Timothy 5:14–15) is a natural extension of this. With regard to the “sons of God” (beney ha-elohim) (a) This precise term only appears three times in Moses’ writings: Genesis 6:2; Genesis 6:4 and Deuteronomy 32:8. It’s become a technicality more than a teaching. 7 minutes to read Jared Moore says no. Readers who are familiar with FH might comment about how this influences his argument. By Bnonn Tennant on June 20, 2016. The head covering is to be worn by women in the church service only when praying or prophesying publicly. By Bnonn Tennant on February 17, 2018. This is a hecking tendentious way of putting things, given that God made Adam first. 2011 - Present· Te Awamutu, New Zealand Web designer, copywriter & content strategist. It's Good To Be A Man: A handbook for godly masculinity. And. 8 minutes to read Thinking so is an understandably venerable Reformed tradition which strikes me as naive and legalistic on several levels. By Bnonn Tennant on August 23, 2018. Dominic Bnonn Tennant Copywriting for Christians: How to sell without selling your soul Kindle Edition by Dominic Bnonn Tennant (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 45 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $2. 36 avg rating, 944 ratings, 231 reviews), The Spine of Scripture (4. By Bnonn Tennant on March 22, 2017. @bnonn. April 6th, 2016Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent) Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword Menu. By Bnonn Tennant on February 4, 2014. 2 months ago · 7 likes · 1 comment · Bnonn Tennant and Michael Foster This shape is central to God’s kingdom—and so flattening it is central to Satan’s plans. 3 minutes to read A brief analysis of abortion in terms of Satan’s attack on the image and kingdom of God. By Bnonn Tennant on July 23, 2014. People running small businesses to feed their families— people, perhaps, like you—often struggle to find trustworthy marketing advice. By Bnonn Tennant on May 15, 2017. Help-a-me! in which he asks— As I am studying systematic theology and writing my doctrinal statement, I have hit a road block in Anthropology. 2 minutes to read A simple parallel argument to clarify my previous posts. Lesson 18: Writing your headline—and what comes after. By Bnonn Tennant on July 11, 2014. The second thorny problem with Calvinism has to do with the doctrine of election. Maybe toast a marshmallow and enjoy the irony of eating something soft and sweet instead of… whatever faux-masculinity tastes like. 1. 4 minutes to read Justin Taylor questions the calendar-day interpretation. This is old news, but recently a. By Bnonn Tennant on January 28, 2017. About Language & Interpretation. 11. 4 minutes to read Contrary to a common objection bandied about today, there is nothing sectarian about head covering, and to disallow it on such grounds is grossly inconsistent with how these very same people approach other important doctrinal. By Bnonn Tennant on November 19, 2021. By Bnonn Tennant on March 14, 2014. Evolution 2. I’ve talked recently about how biblical religion doesn’t fit neatly into Enlightenment categories of religious “evolution”—namely, the categories of monotheism and henotheism. Neither achieve shalom between the sexes in how they relate; rather the. 99 Read with Our Free App This article responds to Bnonn Tennant’s series on what he has called ‘predationism’. This argument fails for at least 4 reasons: It ignores or denies implicit consent. He doesn’t say: “A woman must have her head covered when she prays or prophesies. They saved the lives of many women. Contrary to wise counsel, I did some of my thinking out loud among my enemies. Jacob McMillen is a professional acquaintance; he’s a copywriter. , a guardian of sacred space. 1. He is worse than an unbeliever. Bnonn Tennant, On the atonement, part 3: the objective grounds for faith (January 2009). Bnonn Tennant Nov 10, 2022 What does Bnonn Tennant believe? It’s clear from his comment that Tennant subscribes to Federal Headship (FH). Lesson 29: Developing rapport by avoiding perfection. Since several people have asked me about this piece, I’ll. The Spine of Scripture: God's kingdom from Eden to eternity It's Good To Be A Man: A handbook for godly masculinity Bnonn Tennant Nov 28, 2022 4 New Top Welcome to Dominion Dating Here we post articles and podcasts to help biblically-faithful singles find biblically-faithful spouses. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. By Bnonn Tennant on October 17, 2013. The problem in reformed churches today is that core belief has been lost in practice. Islam may be a deception ultimately traceable to Satan, but that doesn’t mean that Muslims worship Satan himself. By Bnonn Tennant on November 19, 2018. 2 minutes to read A syllogism any church member can follow when deciding how to vote. By Bnonn Tennant on January 8, 2016. 8 minutes to read A reader asks on behalf of himself and his daughter. By Bnonn Tennant on October 11, 2021. Now, screenshots of my comments are used to perpetuate a rumor that I support wife-beating. In the comments of Is the divine council henotheistic? Blake Reas made some interesting points about how we should interpret Psalm 82: I do have to wonder if we should take psalm 82 literally. If you know much about Roman Catholics, you. 4 minutes to read Why are so many Christians today pretending submission to God while they openly defy his authority? Why are they encouraging hatred of neighbor. He thereby disarmed Satan’s claim over humanity by crowning a perfect human king in his place—and started inexorably. By Bnonn Tennant on November 26, 2018. Legion doesn’t want to go there. I suggest that the answers primarily lie in understanding the creation mandate, the fall, and God’s providence. This is why the Lord is. Moreover, I’m not sure why the fact that a Satanist (or anyone else) can twist a particular translation should be counted as a reason against using that translation. Hey Sam; thanks for the opportunity to interact with your views. 4 minutes to read A 6-step argument showing that the bishop of Rome doesn’t have the credentials required to hold his office. Bnonn is a slightly abrasive ex-South African living in New Zealand. He lives in New. NUB is sufficient to show that, on Christian grounds, the charge of internal incoherency or contradiction is invalid. e. To get the most benefit from that book, throw it onto a fire and enjoy the warmth. So then, perhaps the multitude of the damned serve the purpose of demonstrating God’s love towards the elect, rescuing them graciously from the destiny of the vast majority. Your high standards for dating are going to leave you sad and alone, and other such advice. 12 minutes to read The results of the evangelical gospel are things like easy-believism, an inability to easily squash the lordship salvation controversy, moralistic therapeutic deism—and ultimately cultural relativism due to the privatization of religion. By Bnonn Tennant on July 25, 2016. On the contrary, final justification is on account of the very same faith that first joined us to Jesus and his. Firstly, stop with the emotional ploys. About Uncategorized. The results of the evangelical gospel are things like easy-believism, an inability to easily squash the lordship salvation controversy, moralistic therapeutic deism—and ultimately cultural relativism due to the privatization of religion. Part 2: the divine council. Dominic Bnonn Tennant is the author of It's Good to Be a Man (4. The way he is described in the Old Testament clearly reflects. By Bnonn Tennant on March 16, 2015. , his knowing what he will cause), but does not replace it with anything. An Eastern Orthodox commenter prompted me to write it a while back, after giving me a hard time about the canon. By Bnonn Tennant on November 21, 2015 6 minutes to read Let me show you Jesus, hiding in plain sight… One of the most tragically neglected themes in modern theology is the unity between both Testaments on the nature of Jesus. Head coverings #1: the logic of glory and veiling. For example, Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant reject the term complementarianism and prefer the term patriarchy—that is, “the doctrine that men are made to rule in behalf of their Father, and that this. By Bnonn Tennant on May 12, 2015. 3 minutes to read Once the cultural blinders are removed, the evidence of Scripture against women ruling society is difficult to ignore. 68 avg rating, 38 rat. Apr 15. By Bnonn Tennant on January 8, 2009. Bnonn Tennant Nov 10, 2022 “It’s Good To Be A Man” is full of dangerous patriarchalism and one of the authors, Bnonn Tennant, was excommunicated.